Bush Approval Ratings Reach Record Low.
A new AP-Ipsos poll has found that Americans’ approval of Bush’s handling of Iraq is at a new record low.

Approval of Bush’s handling of Iraq has been in the low to mid 40s for most of 2005, but has gone to a new record low of 38%. Midwesterners were the most likely to abandon Bush’s handling of Iraq in the last six months.
The poll also found that fewer than 50% think Bush is honest, and a growing number see Bush’s confidence as arrogance.
Miami, you're quite wrong. There has been more terrorist attacks against the United States than any other time in our history since Bush has come into office.
Second, last I checked, the United States was supposed to be a representative democracy. A president who ignores public pressure, and just does what the hell he wants to instead, is a violation of the principals this country was founded upon. It is the clearest indication that no form of government can truely represent the will of the People unless it is DIRECTLY DEMOCRATIC.
Perhaps you missed the “Patterns on Global Terrorism” report for 2004. Not that I can blame you, since the Bush administration SILENCED IT. From what little has been released to the public we know that the 2003 report showed 172 significant attacks, and in 2004 there were at least 655 significant attacks, the highest number of terrorists attacks in it’s 20 year history. Funny how math makes you look kind of silly, don’t it?
Are you really citing the freaking pledge of allegiance for determining what kind of nation we are? All you have to know about it, is that the “under God” part was added in the 1950’s during the McCarthy red scare. In reality, we are a constitutionally limited democratic republic. And if you were able to ask James Madison he would say a republic and a democracy is the same damn thing.
Ah, so we elect our representatives to NOT represent us, but their own personal interests? If that was the case we would call it the House of Tyrants instead of the House of Representatives. All elected officials are put into office to work the will of the PEOPLE. If this was not the case, than we would not have the right to vote.
Suppose you get into trouble and have to go to trail. You hire a lawyer to REPRESENT you. So, isn’t that lawyer supposed to act in accordance to your wishes? Or should he just ignore your wishes and say you plead “guilty” while you wish to plead “not guilty”?
A pure democracy is nothing of the sort. Incorrect, if this were a direct democracy slavery would have ended sooner, the Civil Rights Act would have passed before the Civil War started, and blacks wouldn’t have spent 500 years as slaves or second class citizens. The Nazi’s would have been beaten in public squares?
Miami, let me ask you a question. Do you beat up everyone who’s ahead of you in line at the grocery store? The reason why you don’t is because you are PRACTICING ‘mob rule’.
Or do you think that generally speaking, people are loathsome violent creatures that must be forced to behave with any amount of decency? If you think THAT’S the case, then would it be rude to ask, “are YOU a schmuck too?”
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