Bush Holds Scripted Teleconference With US Troops.

Deputy Assistant Defense Secretary Allison Barber prepared the soldiers for the exchange, to make sure the event went on without a hitch.
But what Barber didn’t know, along with the White House, was that an audio stream was recording the preparations, a full half hour before the President arrived. In the audio, you can hear Barber speaking to the soldiers, and preparing them for the specific questions Bush would ask, which soldier would answer their question, and what to do if Bush deviated from the soldiers’ “scripted” responses.
Despite that the conference was booked as a “conversation” with the President, it was nothing more than the President asking questions to soldiers, who would respond with comments prepared for them at by the Bush administration.
But don’t take my word for it. Listen to the audio yourself.
What makes this rehearsal of the scripted press conference a "big deal" is that it is being denied as both rehearsed and scripted, despite the video tape evidence.
It is clear that some people are willing to ignore what they see and hear and accept the words of an administration that relies upon deception to get its message out.
the answers were CLEARLY scripted. Scotty McClellan tried to deny it, but when a reporter called him on it, he weaseled around the question.
To deny that the soldiers answers were NOT scripted is to deny your own hears.
Miami, I respect your opinions, but don't be utterly rediculous.
I offer in refutation of maimimaimi's defense of the scripted event the words of the previously quoted soldier, Sgt. Long as they are most helpful.
Now, if this were not a scripted event why then were the soldiers, according to Sgt. Long "given an idea as to what topics [Bush] may discuss with us"?
If this were not scripted there is no reason to have "given an idea" to the soldiers as to what was going to be discussed. It is clear that Bush was reading from his script and that the soldiers were responding accordingly.
Poor miamimiami, when all else fails you accuse me of hating Bush because I make a point (a valid one at that) about his scripted event.
Again, if you have watched the video feed it is clear that the media event was scripted. The soldiers were props in the Bush media event; (they followed the script according to Sgt. Long) from the passing of the microphone to each subsequent soldier to answer, and when they should talk about September 11th. (Did you see the video feed?)
So, you have posted that there was no scripting, then you admit that "the ONLY thing that was scripted or rehearsed was the movement of a cheap microphone." Talk about looking "foolish" in there attempt to play "gotcha" politics.
Last point, I will leave "hating" Bush or you for that matter to others as it isn't worth my time or my energy.
Hey Alva, keep it up!
You obviously are quite skilled at projection miamimiami. I have made valid points, direct your attention to your own contradictions and all you can muster is telling me who I supposedly "hate." (Just so you know, your skills in omniscence are woefully inadequate.)
The only one playing "gotcha politics" is you. You have successfully "gotcha" your self in your own trap. Well done.
Here is some video of the "staged" event. Pay attention to the satellite feed.
I notice that you are quick to ignore the words spoken by the press aide Deputy Assistant Defense Secretary Allison Barber prepared the soldiers by asking them the question that Bush would ask.
Then there are the words of Ms. Barber who tells the soldiers that should Bush go off the "scripted" questions that one particular captain is to show us what he is made of if called upon to improvise.
And the scripted portion of the soldiers responses as it pertains to a certain female captain who was told to pause before speaking about seeing Bush on 9/11, Barber refered to that portion of the script as being an important message.
So, the soldier definately were props in the scripted event. They had rehearsed their answers with Ms. Barber (as she states) so it isn't a question of the soldiers "feelings" as much as the soldiers doing their duty via satellite.
And lastly, your mention of the boating incident is nothing more than a non sequitur. Perhaps if anything it makes NBC more qualified to determine what is "scripted" as they have experience. (Then again the only people that seem to think that the event wasn't scripted are people like Limbaugh and Maulkin.)
Damn miamimiami you really should give up pretending that you are omniscient as you have once again put your foot into your mouth with the following;
"Maybe that's why your side keeps losing elections..." My side? And what side is that? And please don't skimp on details.
Look, you have once again found your "argument" such as it is, to have been refuted by the video tape evidence and the works spoken right from Barber's mouth. And all you have left is the fabrication of great conspiracies.
And when it comes to "dreamers" and "hopers"(sic) you obviously speak from first hand experience when you state "And no not everyone thought it was scripted." And then claim "The truth is that the majority of Americans don't see it your way..."
Well, I won't take your word for it as this exchange has shown you may be "right" you are certainly not correct.
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