Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Just How Nuts Is The Right-Wing Media?

While campaigning for Ralph Nader in the 2000 election, Jim Hightower said, “Ralph drives the right-wing crazy. That’s a fairly short drive for most of them.” Shorter than I realized.

To round up some of the most insane things heard by the right-wing media this year, let’s have a review. Media Matters for America listed the most obnoxious and ridiculous things the right have said in 2004, and also gave Bill “Pass The Vibrator, Please“ O’Reilly the Misinformer Of The Year award, and as this will be my last posting of the year, I thought it would be a nice thing to put up, until we all meet again in 2005. The following is from mediamatters.org:


Here are the Top Ten most outrageous statements we have heard this year from members of the media. From anti-Semitic comments and attacks on women, gays, and lesbians to reprehensible acceptance of the Abu Ghraib prisoner torture, these statements are acutely representative of the conservative hate speech we found in the news media:

* Rush Limbaugh on the Abu Ghraib photos: “I'm talking about people having a good time, these people, you ever heard of emotional release? You ever heard of need to blow some steam off?”

* Ann Coulter: “[Senator John] Kerry will improve the economy in the emergency services and body bag industry.”

* Tony Blankley called philanthropist George Soros “a Jew who figured out a way to survive the Holocaust.”

* Michael Savage: “When you hear 'human rights,' think gays. ... [T]hink only one thing: someone who wants to rape your son.”

* Oliver North: “Every terrorist out there is hoping John Kerry is the next president of the United States.”

* Pat Robertson on gays and lesbians: “[S]elf-absorbed hedonists ... that want to impose their particular sexuality on the rest of America.”

* Pat Buchanan: “[H]omosexuality is an affliction, like alcoholism.”

* Bill O'Reilly to Jewish caller: “[I]f you are really offended, you gotta go to Israel.”

* Bill Cunningham (Clear Channel radio host who appeared as a guest on The Sean Hannity Show): The election is over because “Elizabeth Edwards has now sung.”

* Jerry Falwell: “And we're going to invite PETA [to “wild game night“] as our special guest, P-E-T-A -- People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. We want you to come, we're going to give you a top seat there, so you can sit there and suffer. This is one of my special groups, another one's the ACLU, another is the NOW -- the National Order of Witches [sic]. We've got -- I've got a lot of special groups.”


Since our launch in May 2004, Media Matters for America has monitored, analyzed, and corrected conservative misinformation in the news media 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Our staff recently reviewed the misinformation we've identified and corrected during those eight months in order to choose our first annual “Misinformer of the Year.”

Of all the news anchors, columnists, pundits, and reporters whose work we've critiqued and corrected, one stands above all the rest. We're pleased to announce that with at least 75 (we stopped counting) lies, distortions, and mischaracterizations, television host, columnist, radio host, former Inside Edition anchor, man of the people, and Harvard University graduate Bill O'Reilly can now claim the title: 2004 Misinformer of the Year. We've compiled a list of some of his most egregious false and misleading claims of 2004 for your reading pleasure. We've left out comments that were merely offensive, but you can see where he ranks on our list of the Top Ten Most Outrageous Comments of 2004 here.

Without further ado:

1. O'Reilly falsely claimed Bush didn't oppose 9-11 Commission. O'Reilly defended President George W. Bush from a Kerry-Edwards '04 TV ad highlighting Bush's opposition to creation of the 9-11 Commission by denying that Bush had ever opposed the commission. In fact, Bush did oppose the creation of the 9-11 Commission. (10/21/04)

2. O'Reilly falsely claimed Iraq had ricin. O'Reilly responded to a caller to his radio show by defending the Iraq war: “They did have ricin up there in the north -- so why are you discounting that so much?“ In fact, the Duelfer report (the final report of the Iraqi Survey Group, led by Charles A. Duelfer, which conducted the search for weapons in Iraq following the U.S.-led invasion) indicates that Iraq did not have ricin. (10/19/04)

3. O'Reilly repeated discredited claims on Iraq-Al Qaeda link. O'Reilly interrupted a former Clinton administration official who tried to correct the record on O'Reilly's claim that terrorist Abu Musab al-Zarqawi constitutes a direct link between Al Qaeda and Saddam Hussein's Iraq. He also allowed a conservative guest to repeat without challenge other discredited claims about Iraq's supposed involvement in terrorism -- claims O'Reilly has himself cited in the past. (9/27/04)

4. O'Reilly fabricated “Paris Business Review” as source for success of French boycott. O'Reilly falsely claimed “they've lost billions of dollars in France according to ‘The Paris Business Review’” due to an American boycott he advocated of French imports. Media Matters for America found no evidence of a publication named “The Paris Business Review.” (4/27/04)

5. O'Reilly cited phony stats to argue that taxes on rich are excessive. O'Reilly tried to “blow off” the argument that wealthy Americans ought to pay more taxes by citing phony statistics about the tax burden the rich currently bear. (6/30/04)

6. O'Reilly confused on elementary economics. O'Reilly told a caller on his radio show, “We [the United States] have a trade deficit with everybody, because everybody wants our stuff, and we're not wild about snails” -- indicating that he doesn't know the definition of “trade deficit” and implying that the United States runs a trade surplus with France. In fact, in the first four months of 2004, the United States had a $3 billion trade deficit with France. (6/10/04)

7. O'Reilly doctored quotation to suggest Soros wished his own father dead. During his smear campaign against progressive financier, philanthropist, and political activist George Soros, O'Reilly doctored a 1995 quotation by Soros to make it seem as if Soros wished his own father dead. (6/1/04)

8. O'Reilly questioned if Kennedy would show up to Democratic convention ... as Kennedy spoke behind him. O'Reilly teased an upcoming segment of The O'Reilly Factor, broadcast live from the Democratic National Convention, by saying of convention speaker Senator Edward Kennedy: “When we come back, we'll let you listen to Ted Kennedy for a while, if he shows up.” In fact, Kennedy had already shown up and had been speaking for several minutes, as O'Reilly need only have turned around to see. (7/27/04)

9. O'Reilly disparaged Democrats with trifecta of voter falsehoods. In a discussion about what went wrong for Democrats in the November 2 election, O'Reilly claimed that Democrats “lost votes from four years ago“; that “18- to 24[-year-old]s didn't go” to the polls; and that “[c]ommitted Republicans didn't carry the day for the president; independents did.” All three claims are false. (11/4/04)

10. O'Reilly on the radio: Three lies, one broadcast. Lie No. 1: Bush tax cuts didn't create the budget deficit. Lie No. 2: “Socialistic” French, Germans, and Canadian governments tax at 80 percent. Lie No. 3: Canadian, British, and French media are “government-controlled,” but Italian media is free. (7/7/04)

Fallujah Residents Return To Hell On Earth.

Some small numbers of Fallujah residents have been allowed to return to their homes, at least what’s left of them. Houses have been destroyed, and dead bodies remain in the houses left standing. The city’s water treatment plants have been destroyed, and the city is without power. A Fallujah resident said, “Would Allah want us to return to a city that animals can't live in? Even animals who have no human sense and feelings can not live here.”

Next Stop: Syria.

The Bush administration is reportedly contemplating sending in forces into Syria. The Bush administration says that Iraqi Baathists have been aiding the Iraqi resistance from across the Syrian border. A senior Bush administration official said, “If I were Syria, I’d be worried.”

Sunday, December 26, 2004

The French Fight Terrorism, We Terrorize Iraqis.

This from Reuters, I thought it deserved a reprint:

French Magistrate Widens Bin Laden Finance Probe Sat Dec 25,10:05 AM ET

PARIS (Reuters) - A French judge has widened a probe into the financial network surrounding the family of Osama bin Laden (news - web sites) after questioning his half-brother and learning of a 241 million euro transfer to Pakistan, Le Monde daily said.

Investigating magistrate Renaud Van Ruymbeke received court authorization to extend his investigation after Yeslam bin Laden was questioned on Sept. 27 over allegations of links with the organizers of attacks in 2001 in the United States, the paper said in its Saturday edition.

As a result, Van Ruymbeke was adding “other instances of money laundering” to the probe already under way, Le Monde said.

The court was unreachable for comment on Saturday.

On Dec. 5, 2001, French authorities opened an investigation into financial transfers carried out through Paris between firms grouped within the Saudi Investment Company (SICO) run by Yeslam bin Laden, who also manages some assets of the family's Saudi Binladin Group (SBG).

Yeslam bin Laden was questioned by the French judge in 2002, and has handed over a copy of documents detailing the distribution of the bin Laden family wealth to 54 brothers and sisters after the death of their father in 1967, the paper said.

Although he denied having had any contact with his half- brother for the past 20 years, the paper said, documents held by Swiss banking authorities suggest that Yeslam and Osama bin Laden held a joint account in Switzerland between 1990 and 1997, according to Jean-Charles Brisard -- a private investigator hired by families of the victims of the Sept. 11 attacks.

Yeslam told French investigators in September that he had omitted to mention the existence of that account, while still insisting he had not had mixed with his half-brother, Le Monde said.

Yeslam bin Laden's Swiss-based lawyer, Pierre de Preux, could not immediately be reached by Reuters for comment.

But contacted by Le Monde, de Preux said his client simply acted as a relay for the rest of the family wishing to deposit their inheritance in Switzerland, since Yeslam was resident in Geneva.

And he added that the Swiss court had already questioned Yeslam bin Laden over the matter, in 2003, before classifying it as unconnected.

The French authorities, however, say the facts require further checking. Brisard notified Van Ruymbeke on Sept. 6 this year of several suspicious funds transfers, Le Monde said.

The investigator noted a 241 million euro transfer made to Pakistan in 2000 from an account belonging to a company called Cambridge, a SBG subsidiary, that was opened at Deutsche Bank in Geneva, the paper added.

U.S. authorities are aware of the existence of those funds, which they believe were transferred into an account belonging jointly to Osama bin Laden and someone of Pakistani nationality, it said.

The French authorities say the presence of SICO within the Saudi Binladin Group's orbit in Geneva justifies its probe, Le Monde added.

:::::Meanwhile, Bush continues to blow up Iraqis, and is planning on going after Syria and Iran next. Meanwhile, Osama bin Laden’s where-abouts are unknown:::::

Saturday, December 25, 2004

The Wisdom Of One Of Our Most Treasured Founding Fathers.

My apologies, I haven't kept up to date on here since the holiday season has come around. After it is over, I will be back posting as usual. But for now, I leave you with the wisdom of one of our most treasured Founding Fathers.

“Experience declares that man is the only animal that devours his own kind; for I can apply no milder term to the general prey of the rich upon the poor.” -Thomas Jefferson.

I'm also not exactly religious, actually I'm an Atheist, but considering it is Christmas time, I would like to remind our fellow Christians in this country of another man's wisdom.

“If you wish to be perfect, go, sell what you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven...Amen, I say to you , it will be hard for one who is rich to enter the kingdom of heaven. Again I say to you, it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for one who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.” -Jesus Christ, Matthew 19:21-24

Sunday, December 12, 2004

Rumsfeld Gets An Earful...Again.

After Rumsfeld was questioned by troops in Kuwait, complaining of a lack of body armor on vehicles, Rumsfeld said that the military is outfitting Humvees with armor as quickly as possible. Rumsfeld continued, saying it was “a matter of physics, not a matter of money,” adding that the Army was “breaking its neck.” to get more armored vehicles to the troops. As it turns out, not really.

Robert Mecredy, the head of the aerospace and defense unit at Armor Holdings, saying “We’re prepared to build 50 to 100 vehicles more per month.” Executives at Armor Holdings said all they would need is the go ahead from the Pentagon.

About half of the 1200 plus US soldiers who have died in Iraq have been killed by roadside bombs and rocket propelled grenades.

Bush Gets Biblical.

The Bush Administration has filed with the Supreme Court to display the 10 Commandments on government property. No word yet if the 5th Commandment will be included: “Thou shall not kill.”

CIA Agent Ordered To Falsify WMD Reports.

A senior CIA agent claims that his supervisors at the CIA told him to falsify his reports on Iraq’s WMD’s before the US invasion. When he refused, the CIA retaliated against him, by investigating allegations that he had an affair with a female asset and stole pay off money intended for sources. The CIA agent has filed a lawsuit charging that the retaliation against him were “initiated for the sole purpose of discrediting him and retaliating against him for questioning the integrity of the WMD reporting...and for refusing to falsify his intelligence reporting to support the politically mandated conclusion.”

The Arms Race Finds A New Home: Outer Space.

Senator Rockefeller of West Virginia has said that the new intelligence reform bill includes a new program that is “totally unjustified,” “dangerous to the national security,” and “stunningly expensive.” It is likely a satellite system with technology to destroy potential attackers.

The Congo Is Still Ignored.

Since war broke out in the Congo six years ago the International Rescue Committee has estimated that 3.8 million people have died, with over a thousand people dying every day. It makes the war the bloodiest since World War II. The major media still ignores the conflict.

Israel Indicts Military Commander.

An unnamed Israeli military commander has been indicted for the shooting and killing a 13 year old Palestinian girl in Gaza last October. The girl was shot twenty two times. Why? Because she was walking to school.

Sammara Gets Rocky.

Sammara’s police chief has resigned and the Iraqi resistance blew up one of the city’s police stations.

Reality Check From Guantanamo.

Approximate number of captives held in Gitmo: 550 prisoners from 42 nations.
Number of captives in Gitmo charged with crimes: 4.
Number of captives in Gitmo convicted of carrying out terrorist acts: 0.
Number of captives in Gitmo convicted of anything: 0.

“Lay Down And Shut Up!”

An Intelligence Agent told his commanding officers that he had witnessed the US military torturing Iraqi detainees, and pushed to file for an investigation. Instead of listening to the sergeant’s complaint, instead his commanding officer had him strapped to a gurney and flown out of Iraq against his will, despite he was in perfect health.

Thursday, December 09, 2004

“God Is With Us,” A Parable.

George W. Bush said last year to Bob Woodward:
“I believe we have a duty to free people. I would hope we wouldn't have to do it militarily, but we have a duty. . .Going into this period, I was praying for strength to do the Lord's will. . .”

Now can you guess who said THIS?
“Our prayer is: Lord God, let us never hesitate, let us never play the coward, let us never forget the duty which we have taken upon us.”

During the 2003 State of the Union address George W. Bush said:
“We seek peace. We strive for peace. And sometimes peace must be defended.”

Now can you guess who said THIS?
“Never in these long years have we offered any other prayer but this: Lord, grant to our people peace at home, and grant and preserve to them peace from the foreign foe!”

The answer? Adolf Hitler, Munich 1933, & Nuremberg, Sept. 13, 1936.

Burn, Baby, Burn.

Five government vehicles have been set ablaze parked outside of military recruitment offices in Silver Spring, Maryland. Similar fires have happened nearby in Fairfax and Chantilly Virginia.

The Brits Get Curious.

In Britain forty-six military leaders, Bishops, and diplomats have demanded that Prime Minister Tony Blair investigate civilian deaths in Iraq.

Rumsfeld Gets An Ear-Full.

Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld received harsh questioning from troops in Kuwait. The soldiers questioned why vehicle armor has been in short supply and on the military’s stop-loss policies. Rumsfeld said, “You go to war with the Army you have.” What’s unclear is that between the 148 billion used on the war so far, as well as the 400 billion dollars spent on defense, just how expensive is body armor?

Marine Admits Killing Iraqi Civilians.

Former Marine sergeant Jimmy Massey admitted that his unit killed 30 Iraqi civilians in two day in March 2003. Massey told this to a Canadian tribunal on deciding if Jeremy Hinzman, a war resister, should be given refugee status.

More Iraqis Get The Beat Downs.

The Pentagon has released a memo that states that two intelligence specialists had witnessed the beating of Iraqi prisoners by US forces last June. The specialists were threatened by US interrogators not to discuss what they saw. The Abu Gharib abuse scandal came to public two months prior.

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

A Signed Affidavit Confirms Vote-Switching On Touch Screen Voting Machines.

A notarized affidavit signed by Clint Curtis, a former employee of Yang Enterprises appears to show that Florida Republican Tom Feeney hired Curtis to develop programming for touch screen voting machines that would automatically switch the voter tallies. At one meeting Curtis says that Feeney “bragged that he could reduce the minority vote and deliver the election to ‘George.’”

Big Brother Is Watching Your Chat Rooms.

The CIA has been funding federal research into spying on internet chat rooms in order to fight the “War on Terror.” Some of the spying is being done at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute out of Troy, NY.

If It Isn’t Broke, Fix It Until It Is.

The White House admitted Monday that the US government may have to borrow as much as a trillion dollars to create personal retirement accounts to Social Security.

Auschwitz, Here We Come.

A newly leaked letter has revealed that the FBI witnessed US soldiers torturing Guantanomo detainees. The abuse is reported to have happened in 2002, and the Pentagon did little to investigate it.

A P.A.T.R.I.O.T. By Any Other Name...

In the rumble over the Intelligence Bill it has gone unnoticed that the bill contains even more measures that attack civil liberties. The bill passed yesterday, contains sections that allows for more monitoring of US citizens depending on what level the color-coded terrorist threat level is at.

The New Bay Of Pigs.

Roger Noriega, the State Department’s chief for Latin America said that Bush is committed to the “liberation of Cuba.” in the next four years. Noriega continued by saying, “The transition essentially is under way today.”

Rich Nations Play “The Grinch” To Poor Nations.

The amount of aid by rich nations have fallen by half of what it was in the 1960’s. In 2002 alone ten and a half million children under the age of 5 died in developing nations. The US gives just 0.14% of its budget in aid, making it the least generous donor.

Who Said Terrorists Couldn’t Be Cool?

In Maryland “eco-terrorists” (read: environmental activists) set fires to new luxury homes that are still under construction. As the news media tries to paint these people as terrorists, little is paid attention to the environmental preserve that the new luxury homes threatened. If we are going to call these people “eco-terrorists” then why aren’t we calling capitalist-terrorists “businessmen”?

Monday, December 06, 2004

What’s Wrong Here.

Mahatma Gandhi listed seven blunders made in the world that lead to violence and injustice. That list is as apt today as when it was first written, and explains what is wrong not only with the Democratic and Republican Parties (read: Republicrats), but with American politics and society in general. They are:

1. Wealth without work.
2. Pleasure without conscience.
3. Knowledge without character.
4. Commerce without morality.
5. Science without humanity.
6. Worship without sacrifice.
7. Politics without principle.

Friday, December 03, 2004

Jesus Died For Your Vegetables.

Bush has nominated Nebraska Governor Michael Johanns as the new Secretary of Agriculture. As Governor Johanns declared a March for Jesus Day, and a Back to the Bible Day.

The New Terrorist Threat: Little Old Ladies In Switzerland.

A federal judge asked the government if they could detain indefinitely a “little old lady in Switzerland” who had donated money to an orphanage in Afghanistan, and if some of that money fell in the hands of Al Qaeda. Deputy Associate Attorney General Brian Boyle responded, “She could. Someone's intention is clearly not a factor that would disable detention.” Boyle continued saying that once detainee are in Guantanamo, they “have no constitutional rights enforceable in this court.” The government also claimed at the court that it has the right to use evidence gathered by interrogators using torture while questioning witnesses.

NYC Uses Foster Children As Human Guinea Pigs.

The Administration for Children's Services in New York City, has been using HIV-positive foster children as human guinea pigs to test an experimental HIV drug. The drug, manufactured by GlaxoSmithKline, has turned out to be highly toxic. Jacklyn Hoerger, a New York social worker said, “We were told that if they were vomiting, if they lost their ability to walk, if they were having diarrhea, if they were dying, then all of this was because of their HIV infection.”

Extremely Expensive Anal Sex.

The Diocese of Orange County, California has settled to pay $85 million to victims of clergy sexual abuse. For that kind of cash, the Diocese could have bought the clergy a LOT of hookers.

Alabama Moves To Ban Gay Books.

Alabama state Congressman Gerald Allen, a Republican, has submitted a bit that would ban all novels with gay characters from public libraries. Alabama is ranked 9th in the dumbest states in the US.

Bush Picks Ex-NYPD Cop To Head Homeland Security.

Bush has nominated former NY police commissioner Bernard Kerik to replace Tom Ridge as the director of Homeland Security. Kerik has never worked in the federal government, much less headed up a federal agency before. Changes in the Homeland Security Department is expected with Kerik’s nomination, including a guaranteed supply of donuts to all members of the staff.

The Federal Government Discovers That Touching Genitals Leads To Pregnancy.

A new Congressional report has found that federally funded abstinence-only sexual education programs have been teaching children that having an abortion can lead to suicide, or sterility, that 50% of homosexual male teens in the US have AIDS, and that touching a person’s genitals can lead to pregnancy. Anti-abortion religious nutcases insist that their information is based on sound medical science. No word yet on if the Earth is round or flat.

The Terrorists Known As The Quakers.

The ACLU has obtained evidence that the FBI has been spying on peace and environmental activists. The list also includes some faith based organizations, including the Quakers. The FBI has defended their actions saying that they were following up on information they received that the groups could be involved in terrorist activities. The FBI has also refused to release what evidence they had to justify this.

The White House Says Large Scale Government Borrowing Is “Fiscally Prudent.”

The White House has acknowledged that large scale government borrowing will be needed to finance Bush’s plan to create personal investment accounts to the Social Security system. Joshua Bolten, the White House's director of the Office of Management and Budget said, “I believe there's a strong case that this approach not only makes sense as a matter of savings policy, but is also fiscally prudent.”

VA Official Says Troops In Iraq Will Become Crazy.

Anthony J. Principi, Secretary of Veterans Affairs said that the guerrilla tactics used against US troops in Iraq will take a toll on their mental health. Already twenty percent of Iraq veterans have sought aid from the VA for mental health issues. The VA expects to pay out over $600 billion in disability payments in the next three decades.

The US Military Recruits The Homeless.

The Kensington Welfare Rights Union took over a military recruiting office in Philadelphia to set up a homeless shelter there to be called “Bushville”.

Anti-War Protesters Wins Lawsuit From Portland.

Twelve anti-war protesters have won a lawsuit from Portland, Oregon, and the city has agreed to pay $300,000 in compensation. The protesters had been victims of police abuse such as firing rubber bullets at them, and pepper spraying them at close range. The police had also violated their Constitutional rights of free speech and assembly.

Harvard Bans Military Recruiters.

Harvard Law School has decided to boycott military recruiters from its campus. Harvard says that the military’s “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy towards homosexuals violates their nondiscrimination policy.

12,000 More Troops To Join The Bloodbath.

The US is sending 12,000 more troops to the Iraqi Bloodbath. They will spend their holidays there in order to ensure that the Iraqi elections can be held next month (read: so our puppets get elected there).

Thursday, December 02, 2004

The NEW Oil For Food Program Scandal.

After the US invasion last year, the US took control of all the income from Iraq’s oil sales. The oil money was to be set aside for a program called the Development Fund for Iraq. Much of the money for the Fund was kept vault in a Baghdad palace, unsecured. The Bush Administration hired a tiny consulting firm, Northstar, which said publicly that they were NOT certified to do public accounting. 8.8 Billion dollars now can not be accounted for by Northstar, or the Coalition Forces. Former US-Iraqi envoy Paul Bremer has refused to comment.

The Bush Administration Supports And Then Opposes Defense Spending.

Bush defended the Iraq War in Canada on Tuesday, at the same time made threats against Hugo Chavez for increasing Venezuela’s defense spending. Chavez recently bought several weapons from Russia, and is expected to buy as many as 50 Mig-29 fighter jets. When asked if the purchase concerned the US government a senior administration official said, “Let me put it this way: we shoot down Migs.” In 2002 Chavez was briefly overthrown to forces backed by Bush Administration. Since Chavez has taken office he has had to fight six voter referendums to unseat him, all backed by the Bush Administration. Each referendum has failed.

Landmines Are Our Friends.

The US has refused to sign the 1999 Ottawa Mine Ban Treaty. So far, more than 140 nations have signed the treaty, with one notable exception, The United States. The US says there are still valid reasons to use landmines, such as protecting our troops in South Korea.

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

The Paralyzed Walk!

Hwang Mi-Soon, a 37 year old South Korean woman is walking again after spending twenty years paralyzed. Her injured spine was treated with stem cells derived from umbilical cord blood. No word yet if Bush is going to change positions on using stem cell research in the United States.

CBS, UPN, and NBC Refuses To Air Gay-Friendly Church Ad.

CBS, UPN, and NBC has refused to run an ad from the United Church of Christ that promotes the inclusion of gays, minorities, and people with disabilities because it is “too controversial” and “unacceptable for broadcast.” The ad shows bouncers standing outside a church turning away gays and others, and saying that “Jesus didn’t turn people away. Neither do we.”

Haitian Priest Dies In US Custody.

Father Joseph Dantica died in US custody on November 3rd after fleeing Haiti. When he asked to seek political asylum he was immediately arrested, and died five days later in US custody. Dantica had asked for political asylum because he feared that if he had been sent back to Haiti he and his son would be murdered.

Bush Talks Tough To Virgins On AIDS Day.

Bush continues to promise billions of dollars for dealing with AIDS in Africa as well as the United States. However, Bush has severely cut funds from the UN Global Fund to Fight AIDS. Bush continues to promote name brand (as opposed to generic) AIDS drugs, and continues to push for Absence only until marriage programs. Women now make up 57% of those suffering from AIDS worldwide, with a greater number of HIV infection coming from married women in Africa then from those who aren’t.

Italy Comes To A Halt.

The entire nation of Italy held a half day strike today to protest the Italian Prime Minister, Silvio Berlusconi, a key ally to Bush in Iraq. Workers shut down factories, banks, and airlines.

Colon Powell Meets With Haitian Terrorists.

Colon Powell met today with the US puppet in Haiti, Gerard Latortue. Latortue and others are wanted felons. Earlier this year Bush installed Latortue as Haiti’s Prime Minister, in the overthrow of the democratically elected Aristide government.

UN Proposes A Reorganization.

A United Nations panel is proposing to increase the size of the Security Council, from 15 to 24, and to put tougher conditions for one state using force against another state. In other words, they’re flipping to bird to Bush.

Kerry Finally Bothers To Recount Some Votes.

In Ohio Kerry has finally bothered to put a lawyer in play to recount the votes in Ohio, including Delaware county. Meanwhile the Libertarian and Green Parties continue to work together, and have filed to have Nevada and New Mexico recounted.

Putting The Truth Behind Bars.

Frank Grevil, a Danish military intelligence agent has been jailed for six months for leaking a report to a Danish newspaper, stating that Iraq didn’t have any WMD’s. I wonder how many people have been jailed for LYING and saying that Iraq did have WMD’s.

We Now Take Hostages Too.

The Washington Post has reported that a CIA unit known as Task Force 121 had been abusing Iraqis and hiding detainees. US Generals were warned of the practice more than a month before the Abu Ghraib story broke, but did nothing. The Post has also found that the US carried out illegal arrests, such as detaining the relatives of people that they wanted, helping to fuel the Iraqi resistance.

The Army Caught In A Lie.

The LA Times has documented the Pentagon lying about troop movements in Iraq. The Pentagon has defended this saying that they must use Psychological Operations to their advantage. They might have a point, except the people they’re performing these Psych-ops on is the American People.

The Bloodbath Boils Over.

November marks the deadliest month so far for US troops in Iraq, with 135 killed. Can’t you just wait until we do this all over again in Iran?

Nitwits Are Afoot!

I normally wouldn't post something like this, but this was so hilarious that I couldn't help myself. I was in an AOL chat room, trying to engage in a good debate. I really shouldn't bother with these people, they aren't worth the effort. One person continued to say to me that he was “going to make me his bitch” and that he was going to “spew on my chin.” I stopped responding to him. His response? He IM'ed me. Here's the conversation that followed:

MarkJDXX: The spewing guy.

GSFU: since when am i avoiding you?
GSFU: what's with the “spewing”?
GSFU: are you really a repressed homosexual?
GSFU: If you are, I understand, it's no biggie to me.
GSFU: but I would politely ask to refrain from making sexually coy comments.
GSFU: It would turn me on? Absolutely not. You are a homosexual aren't you?
GSFU: no, I am hiv negative.
GSFU: no, I am of the male verity
GSFU: of homosapiens, yes.
GSFU: that sounds like an emotional problem
GSFU: I'd suggest you call a psychologist right away
GSFU: you seem to exhibit Anti-Social Personality Disorder.
GSFU: you seem to be avoiding me now.

At this point the spewing man abruptly signed off.