Monday, June 26, 2006

The Hillybilly Heroin Addict Is At It Again.

Hillybilly heroin addict Rush Limbaugh was detained today at the Palm Beach International Airport when customs agents inspected his luggage and found what is reportedly 29 Viagra pills that was not prescribed to him. According to the South Florida Sun-Sentinel, Limbaugh’s attorney, Roy Black, made a statement saying that the prescription was issued not to Limbaugh, but his physician “for privacy purposes.”

Limbaugh had arrived to the airport on his private jet coming from the Dominican Republic U.S. Customs said. Agents searched the plane doing routine customs inspections and found the pill bottle of Viagra.

The Palm Beach County sheriff declined to arrest Limbaugh on what could be a class 2 misdemeanor. However investigators said they will be sending the evidence to the Palm Beach County State Attorney’s Office, who will determine if charges will be filed.

This comes just a month after Limbaugh signed a deal with Florida prosecutors in an investigation into allegations of Limbaugh doctor shopping for prescription pain killers hydrocodone and OxyContin. The deal requires Limbaugh to 18 months of supervision and a continuation of rehabilitation with a painkiller addiction therapist. The deal also requires Limbaugh to pay $30,000 towards the cost of the investigation, and during that time Limbaugh can not own a gun, use “intoxicants to excess”, and must remain gainfully employed.

Friday, June 23, 2006

I Have A New Friend.

About an hour after my previous post I received an e-mail. I guess my post struck a nerve since I never receive e-mails from readers of Nitwit Planet, typically they’re smart enough to leave their comments in the comments section of the blog. I can only assume he (and they’re almost always a “he”, minus the wrinkles) didn’t want his words seen here. In any case, this is what my new friend sent. I’m including his e-mail address for your…ahem…convenience.
Subject: Page One
Date: 6/22/2006 11:14:49 PM Eastern Standard Time

I just read every word on your front page. You know about 1/3 of what you think you know. Do you drink heavily? Drugs maybe?
For those who have read Nitwit Planet for some time know, I am rather free with letting people who disagree with me comment on my blog. I have even patiently and extensively debated a troll or two in my time, despite their striking inability to fathom anything outside of Rush. Leftists are usually forced to debate these people not on facts but on what Reich wingers say they believe. When their beliefs fail them, they start with idiotic innuendo or personal insults like this nitwit. The “you’re a drug user” insult is practically patented by these people.

For about three seconds I considered debating this guy, but damn, what do I debate? Whether or not I’m a drunk? And if I managed to win him over to my side, what then? Do I really what a jackass like this on our side? So I responded in the only appropriate way I know how:
Subject: Re: Page One
Date: 6/22/2006 11:59:32 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: GSFU

You know you Reich wing nutbags are always so amusing. Why don't you do our great nation a favor and stuff a rifle in your mouth.

Fuck off piss ant.

Alva Goldbook

I figured with a retort as sharp as this, this creep would leave me alone. I figured the very suggestion of his suicide being a patriotic act would all by itself be enough of an incentive to keep him from replying. Well, what can I say? I was wrong.
Subject: Re: Page One
Date: 6/23/2006 12:23:31 AM Eastern Standard Time

"Fuck off piss ant." <--- Impressive vocabulary Alva. Two words with four letters each, and two words with three letters each. Alva ... how many total letters do we have in the whole sentence?

And the only Reich Wing nutbags you could name are in the Sunday comics. I have to go now. You see, I own a business that employs the people who work and pay taxes that support Socialists like you.

In our next lesson I'll explain to you that the word Reich is associated with the Nazis, who are Socialists, like you. Nitwit.

Fuck you half-witted dolt.
What can one possibly say to a cretin like this? Should I even bother to point out his hypocrisy? Is it even worth the effort? Of course this guy couldn’t help but throw another Reich wing cliché in here, claiming to be a “business owner”. If every retard on the net actually owned a business who claimed they did, Mexican illegals would be getting fifty bucks an hour. Next up he’ll tell me that he’s rich thanks to tax cuts and the stock market.

So I decided to say the only thing I could say.
Subject: Re: Page One
Date: 6/23/2006 2:32:47 AM Eastern Standard Time
From: GSFU
Reply To:

What part of “fuck off piss ant” don’t you understand? If I wanted to debate you I would have. I have absolutely no interest whatsoever in puss-brained sycophant jackasses like you. Suck a fucking tailpipe, make an appointment with Doctor Kevorkian, fix yourself a pine box sandwich. Make this country you pretend to give two rats ass of a damn about better and fuck off and die.

Merry shivs you waste of space,
Alva Goldbook.
So will this be the end of our beautiful friendship? Stay tuned!

Thursday, June 22, 2006

The Mark Of The Beast?

Symbols have a long and meaningful history in American culture. Anyone who looks at a US dollar bill can tell you that. The majority of our nation’s Founding Fathers were of various religions, but were primarily Deists, and symbols were of particular importance, not only in their culture but their beliefs.

When the US flag was first designed it had thirteen 5-pointed stars in a circle, representing all thirteen of the original states. The 5-pointed star has a long history that dates back over a thousand years, but has long been associated with positive energy. It has also been associated with mankind and the number five. Today it is a known as an American symbol, as part of the American culture, experience, and history.

Leonardo da Vinci drew a picture of the 5-point star,
showing it’s representation of man.

On the other hand, the inverted 5-point star, with one point facing to the ground, has long been associated with negative energy. Also known as the Sigil of Baphomet, it has been associated with the goat, and was later adopted as the trademark of the Church of Satan. More importantly, it is associated with the number six.

The Sigil of Baphomet,
which is the trademark of the Satanic Church.

Given this, one should wonder why the stars of the logo of the GOP Elephant are all upside down. Not only are they all upside down, but there are three upside down stars, all representing the number six.

The GOP Elephant logo, 6-6-6.

Is the GOP’s logo the mark of the beast? It would appear so. Given the way they govern, it would seem entirely apt.