Wednesday, October 19, 2005

The Continuing Mess In Iraq.

Meanwhile, the results from Saturday’s vote on an Iraqi constitution have been delayed due to suspicion of electoral fraud. Iraqi election officials said an unusual number of “yes” votes raised concerns after an audit was conducted Monday.

Would it be too cynical to point out that if election fraud occurred that an increased number of “yes” votes favors the Bush administration? Similarly, all the voter irregularities also seemed to favor Bush in the 2000 and 2004 elections.

In other Iraq news, the top US auditor of Iraq’s reconstruction, Stuart Bowen, said that reconstruction projects in Iraq will be dropped because of mounting security costs. Bowen said that the money needed to rebuild Iraq’s health, water, oil and electrical infrastructure along with reconstruction projects already under way “will outstrip the available revenue.” Bowen said that as much as a quarter of reconstruction revenue has already gone to security costs.


Blogger Alva Goldbook said...

Robert Fisk has a new book coming out called "The Great War for Civilisation" I suggest you take a gander at it.

12:54 AM  
Blogger Alva Goldbook said...

Fisk is one of the few western reporters who spends a huge amount of time on the ground. He details much of those experiences in his new book. Perhaps you wouldn't care to read it, which I can understand. But the book is so amazing and startling that to ignore it is nothing more than willful ignorance.

12:09 PM  

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