Tuesday, August 16, 2005

If Only Cindy Sheehan Had 25 Grand.

Despite that Bush has refused to meet with Cindy Sheehan, much less answer her questions, he does have time to meet with plenty of other folks. Bush met with some 230 people attending a Republican fund raiser at his neighbor’s 478 acre ranch. For all who attended, they contributed at least $25,000 to the RNC. So what’s the old saying? Money talks and accountability walks? No, that’s not right. Where’s Robert Novak when you need him?


Blogger Mark H. Foxwell said...

And you, miamimiami, forget that in the world of facts things have changed since that condescending "your name here" meeting last year. Last year Mrs. Sheehan accepted that although the WMD theory of invading Iraq had in fact been disproved by the failure to actually find any of these there, that the Administration presumably had honestly thought Saddam posed a threat when it attacked and was now just embarrased to admit the mistake, and so fumbled around for other reasons to reap some benefit from this blunder. These are things people can understand and accept, that governments can make honest mistakes and thus get entangled in things they don't entirely want.

But in the past year, millions of Americans have come to realize, based on revelations like the Downing Street Memos and the prosecution of Karl Rove for betraying Valerie Wilson-Plame's identity as a US secret agent, what a lot of us assumed, expected, and already had adequate evidence to know before the war--that the Administration damn well knew Saddam Hussein, for all his many faults, had no serious weapons capacity to hurt us, nor any meaningful alliance with global terror networks either, and therefore actively lied to the American people and Congress to get this expensive and ruinous war, for real purposes they have yet to reveal. We can speculate, but only insane conspiracy theories of astounding implausibility can square their behavior with any pretense of honesty. More reasonable hypotheses come down to saying that whatever benefit the government got from the war was nothing the American people would ever have supported, and so flat out lying was necessary. Thus everything Bush said to Cindy Sheehan in 2004 was a lie, and she is asking for him to _honestly_ explain why her son died. All he has to do is come up with a "noble cause" that makes sense--it does not have to be actually true as long as it can't be disproven by facts or logic. But he can't, because there is no more room for such a theory among the facts that are already out there.

All Bush can do now is rely on the desperate, mindless faith of fans like you, miamimiami, who will believe lies on command.

2:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

fearful miamimiami has way too much time on his hands. Another long and unreadable rant.

I have a solution for you, though. Go down to your local recruiter's office, sign up, and help fight the war that you think is a just one.

Or, is it only a just cause when others run the risk of being killed or of being maimed or scarred beyond recognition?

I've heard there are many in the US who are like that. Gung ho for others, but merely keyboard warriors themselves.


1:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


gung ho miamimiami said:
"your calling Bush a liar is in line with calling all those other folks liars as well."

Not at all. I didn't name anyone else. The people who follow Bush into his policies based on lies may simply be misinformed, or uninformed. Then again, they may be just like him.

However, the Holocaust, and subsequent Nuremberg trials, should have taught people this one lesson, at least.

"I didn't know", and "I was just following orders", are not, repeat, NOT, valid defenses.

Isn't it time you enrolled in that history course I keep telling you about? You remember, the one not tainted by propaganda.


9:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


gung ho miamimiami said:
"How's that for history? Not bad for a white european terrorist?"

I thought you said you were Cuban.

When are you going to Iraq? Don't forget about Haliburton.


11:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


miamimiami said: "when you first accused me being a white european terrorist".

Well, I see that you have still not enrolled in that reading comprehension course I've been telling you about.

Again, I am only trying to help you.

How is that plan for getting over to Iraq going? Be sure to let us all know when you'll be leaving.

Remember, they need your help. The situation is becoming more desperate every day.


2:37 PM  

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